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Zalaxy Lounge
FAQs on The Zalaxy Lounge and Zalaxy NFTs
What are Diamonds?
Why do I need Diamonds?
How do I earn Diamonds?
Where can I see my Diamonds Balance?
When will the Diamonds get credited?
What is ZLT?
What are Zalaxy NFTs?
How many Zalaxy NFTs are there?
What is the Zalaxy Lounge?
How to enter the Zalaxy Lounge?
What are the tiers in the Zalaxy Lounge?
Why is the Zalaxy Lounge important?
How many diamonds do I need to redeem my Zalaxy NFT?
Are Zalaxy Tiers based on my 30-day Trade Volume?
Can I withdraw my Zalaxy NFT?
Why not to withdraw your Zalaxy NFT?
How to withdraw my Zalaxy NFT?
Do I need Diamonds to withdraw my Zalaxy NFT?
Would I get diamonds if I deposit a Zalaxy NFT to my Zelta account?
What are the benefits associated with the Zalaxy NFTs?
Where can I see the details of all the NFTs?
When can I see the NFT in my wallet?
How to claim my Free NFT
What is an NFT?